
Zaful and the Crystal Necklace


Drage moje,

Nastavljamo sa Zaful recenzijama. Kako sam spomenula u prethodnom postu, na redu je ogrlica sa kristalima. Koju kada sam ugledala znala sam da moram da je imam. Na svu sreću ona nije rasprodata pa ćete moći da vidite kako izgleda i na sajtu. Pa da počnemo...

We are continuing our Zaful adventure. In this post I'm telling you about the crystal necklace.
It's needless to say that I fell in love with it the moment I laid my eyes on her. Lucky for you, the necklace is not sold out so I will show how it looks on the website.

Faux Pearl Crystal Teardrop Necklace and Earrings

LINK: www.zaful.com/faux-pearl-crystal-teardrop-necklace-and-earrings-p_191215.html?lkid=17538

Uz ogrlicu dolaze i mindjuše koje imaju kao bisere u sebi, a koje se slažu sa delovima ogrlice.
Ogrlica mi je stigla pomalo oštećena u smislu da joj fali jedan kamenčić, skrenula sam im pažnju na to i možda bolje buduće pakovanje, kako se ne bi nekom drugom isto to desilo :)

With the necklace you will get the perl-like earings.

Ovako ogrlica izgleda kod mene:

And yhis is how they look in person:

Kao što možete videti i sa slika potpuno su identične pa ne morate brigati šta će vam poštar doneti.
I ako izgleda masivno i čvrsto, istina je malo drukčija. Ogrlica je u stvari veoma krhka i nežna i trebalo bi voditi računa gde je ostavljate i kako sa njom rukujete.

Beautiful thing is that the necklace is identical as on the website, so you won't have to fear what will you get when the postman arrives. The necklace looks firm and solid, but in this case, it just looks that way. The truth is it is fragile and tender so you should take care where you gonna put it. 

Ogrlica je veoma elegantna i deluju luksuzno. Mislim da ne postoji kombinacija koju neće učiniti dodatnom. Može poslužiti kao divan saveznik za neke bitnije dogadjaje, ili je jednostavno možete prošetati u noćnom provodu. Obrni okreni, bićete zapažene, to vam garantujem.

It is very elegant and luxurious. I believe there is not such thing as a combination you won't pull out with this one. You can wear it on special occassions or when you have the night out.

Uz     ogrlicu dolaze i mindjučice kako sam i napomenula. Mada mislim da bi bilo previše da stavite i njih pored ogrlice. One me podsećaju možda na 30-te godine i onu klasiku sa crvenm ružom.
Kada se stave nisu teške i ako možda tako deluju.

As I said before you get a pair of  perl-like earings. I think it would be too much if you put them in the same time as the necklace. The earings remind me of the 30's and classical style with red lipstick.
They look heavy, but when you put them on, you will forget you have them. 

I to bi bio kraj što se tiče ogrlice sa kristalima :) Ostale su nam još roze Lenonke nakon čega ću vam pokazati kako sve izgleda zajedno.

This is the end of the review of the crystal necklace and the perl-like earings. Sweetest is for last, but you will have to wait till later today

Kako vam se čini ogrlica?

Did you like the crystal necklace and the earings?

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5 komentara

  1. you're beautiful, and the necklace is wonderful

  2. I'm not a fan of these huge necklaces, but this one is really wonderful, and it looks great on you. It fits perfectly with gray cardigan. Loved the review. Greetings from Serbs in Turkey

  3. Predivna je zaista, savrseno ti stoji, moze se kombinovati uz mnoge stvari. Zaista svaka cast na izboru

